The Noahide Academy of Jerusalem
The Noahide Academy of Jerusalem is established in Israel since 2015. It’s goal is to fulfill the mission of the Jewish People: “To Be a Light Unto the Nations” (Isaiah 49:6), by sharing the knowledge of the Torah’s Universal Noahide Code for Humanity.
In order to achieve this we need to understand how God defined the human reality.
God created two essentials identities within humanity: Jewish and Noahide. This is in order to fulfill His plan for Redemption.
- The Jewish identity is defined as mentioned above: “Kingdom of Priests, a Holy Nation” and our life is defined by the 613 Commandments in order so we can fulfill our purpose “To Be a Light Unto the Nations” serving God in the Temple and teaching Bnei Noah how to actualize and integrate the Will of God and refine the world.
- The Noahide identity is defined by the Seven Fundamental Universal Noahide Commandments with its many laws, so you can fulfill your purpose, which is to integrate and implement the Will of God into the refinement of self and the world around you.

The Rabbinical Council
The Rabbinical Council of Israel for the Nations is composed of 8 Rabbis and provides teaching, education and guidance to gentiles from all backgrounds.
The Rabbis are: Moshe Weiner, Moshe Perets, Michael Schulman, Ytzchok Dubovick, Shimon Cowen, Assaf Studnitz and others (please see more details on the Know More button in red on the bottom of this paragraph.)
The expertise of our Rabbis, facilitated by modern technology, allow an efficient communication on a global scale.
We hope to give access to this specialized Torah knowledge to as many sincere people as we can, with the hope that everyone will be able to enter into the “New Era” with the greatest capabilities of interacting with the new elements which will be soon revealed.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Noahide Code ?
The Noahide Code is the set of Seven Commandments with all its details which God entrusted to the Jewish People in order to teach it to mankind.
Where can I find books on the Noahide Code?
You can find the books here or on Noahica, our online dedicate Shop.
Why start observing the Noahide Code ?
The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, says the world that we will soon see the coming of the righteous redeemer Moshiach (the Messiah descended from King David) as promised in Deuteronomy and books of the Prophets. He urged all people to prepare by strengthening observance of their commandments. For Gentiles, this means the 7 commandments that apply to them: the 7 Laws that had been given to Noah for all his descendants. For Jews, this means the commandments that apply to them.
Which Learning Path should I follow ?
Where can I find the Courses Members Page ?
If you are a member with an unlimited subscription plan, you can enroll in the course you like, or according to the Learning Path you chose here on the Members Page.
Can I talk to one of the Rabbis ?
Sure you can! Just ask for a video-conference meeting here on the upper right corner – “I have a question”!
Can I find a Rabbi close to where I live ?
Probably yes. There are more than 4500 Chabad Rabbis in more than 80 countries throughout the world. Especially in the United States of America where there is a Rabbi in virtually every state.

Our Other Websites
For our News Magazine, please visit us at
Here you will be able to read the latest news about personal stories of sincere people who left christianity and decided to follow the original Torah ways. You can see video news, broadcasts, community events and more.
To see our Books please visit our Noahica Shop at
Here you may see our available books on the laws of the Noahide Code, the inner-dimensions, the Jewish Bible – Torah (Five Books of Moses) or the Tanach (24 Books of the entire Bible), and more.
About is the online platform for the e-learning system of the Noahide Academy of Jerusalem. The courses available here at are specially made for people who are not Jewish and want to know what is the nature of their relationship with the Creator and how to fulfill their purpose in life. is probably the only website today in 2018 which is conceived especially by Jews for Gentiles with courses made by the world experts on the Noahide Code.
Why Study With Us
- Because the Noahide Code gives access to Eternity.
- Because Expert Rabbis teach here.
- Because you will grow spiritually.
- Because you will improve your life.
- Because you will be able to understand the future.
Our Latest News
Shalom! If you’re reading this, then it seems that you are indeed a seeker of truth. Your journey has just begun. You may not yet fully understand the blessings you will experience initially, but you certainly will progressively. Everything is happening according to HaShem’s Redemptive plan for creation. You are starting to see here your first revealed […]